No major event has been held recently without catering. Both big business companies and regular families order this service for holidays. However, not everyone knows what catering is. This article will help you to know the main features of this service and why is it becoming more popular every year.
Catering: the essence of service
The «catering» term is understood not simply as the delivery of food to facilities. The format of the catering can be different. It’s both the delivery of food to the offices and classic holiday dinner at the same time.
Many people wonder about the essence of catering. There are five definitions of this term:
- delivery of ready-made meals;
- service during the event;
- table service;
- menu design;
- room design.
Catering is an out-of-town banquet service where not all the details of an event are thought up by the organizer but by the person providing this unusual service. Catering will give you the opportunity to spend the holiday within the boundaries of any building and even the beach while maintaining the necessary atmosphere. That is why this service is becoming increasingly needed every year.

Varieties of catering
Catering is different and its type depends on the method of service and the place where the service is provided. That is why catering is of the following varieties:
- Social feeding;
- Event catering;
- Transport meals;
- Outgoing bar;
- Concert catering.
You have to understand that different varieties of catering vary depending on the type of service provided. It depends on the circumstances. The company that offers you this servant has a selection of dishes such as:
- Buffet;
- Coffee break;
- Picnic;
- Holiday dinner;
- Banquet;
- Corporate lunches.
Catering is also affected by the kind of food a customer needs. Catering companies will offer you more than cooking and serving. Catering is about designing the menu according to the tasks assigned. The employees of this company can provide guests service regardless of the location of the holiday. They can choose the best venue for your holiday if you need it and determine whether the event will be in line with the business meeting style or the team building. Flexibility and mobility are considered the main advantages of the service. Catering staff will think through all the nuances of your holiday, from menus and services to guest service.